36 free quilt blocks, one a week with a guide to Jane Austen's England and posts about the people in her life.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Block 27: King’s Crown for George III

Block 27:  King’s Crown for George III by Bettina Havig

King George III of England (1738-1820)

Jane Austen lived her whole life as a subject of King George III. When she was born in 1775 he’d worn the crown for 15 years after becoming King at 22 years old.

King George, Queen Charlotte and their six eldest, 
painted by Johann Zoffany, 1770

During her childhood the King’s political troubles included financial instability, despised taxes, a revolution in America and vicious struggles with Parliament. In her adolescence he began episodes of mental illness that periodically incapacitated him. As part of a Tory-leaning family Jane undoubtedly supported the King against his political enemies, which included his eldest son, later George IV.

King's Crown by Georgann Eglinski

In 1809 Britain celebrated the King’s jubilee---fifty years on the throne. By then he was in poor health, physically and mentally.

“Filial Piety,” the King and a few of his rowdy sons

His surviving children (he and Charlotte had 15) disappointed him in their politics and morals. Despite strict discipline (or perhaps because of it) only one son had provided a legitimate heir among many illegitimate grandchildren.  

A Jubilee souvenir auctioned at Sworder’s

In spite of the royal scandals, Britain celebrated the anniversary.

Detail of a print showing "Illumination & Rejoicing in London."
 Candles lighted windows and fireworks exploded.

G R 50---Georgius Rex 50---King George

One of the celebratory souvenirs was a cotton panel, perhaps printed for chair seats or cushions, which found its way into quilts. One is pictured on the cover of Averil Colby’s book Patchwork.

The cover quilt is in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum. See links to more pictures below.

King's Crown by Becky Brown

The Monarch outlived Jane, going on to reign for 60 years, but there were no plans to celebrate that anniversary. By 1819 he was deaf, blind and permanently deranged. Britain was ruled by his son the Regent. George III died in 1820.

BlockBase #3184

King’s Crown is the obvious choice for George III. The block was given the name by the Ladies Art Company in the early 20th century. When shaded as in the diagram a diagonal crown appears. I modified the corner here to eliminate Y seams.

Cutting a 12” Block

A – Cut 1 rectangle 2-7/8” x 10-1/8”.

B- Cut 3 light squares 3-1/4”. Cut each in half with a diagonal cut to make 2 triangles.


You need 5 triangles.

C - Cut 1 light rectangle 2-7/8” x 18-1/4”. You will trim this later.

D- Cut 1 square 8”.  (See the red text below.) Cut in half with a diagonal cut to make 2 triangles. You need 1 triangle.

UPDATE: There are some problems here. Wendy says:

"C and D are not coming out big enough to match the top left piecing. Is C supposed to be wider that 2 7/8"? It looks wider in the illustration."

Hyacinth replied:

"I fiddled until I cut D as a 9 1/2 inch square to get it to work out."

If you look at the blocks you see there is a variation in the width of piece C between the samples and the sketch.. I'd do as Hyacinth says and cut D 9-1/2" x 9-1/2"

E – Cut 1 rectangle 2-7/8” x 7-3/4”.

F- Cut 3 squares 2-7/ 8”.

See an essay at the Austen Only blog about Jubilee festivities in Chawton and Steventon on October 25, 1809.

Links to Jubilee quilts here:


King's Crown by Becky Brown


  1. C and D are not coming out big enough to match the top left piecing. Is C supposed to be wider that 2 7/8"? It looks wider in the illustration.

    1. I fiddled until I cut D as a 9 1/2 inch square to get it to work out.

  2. Hello, ... I don't know why but I'm not receiving the weekly e-mail. Could you verify what is happening? Thanks, SILMARA

  3. Silmara. Google controls that weekly email. Why don't you register again. Or check your spam box. Maybe your server is blocking it.

    If the rest of you want to receive the email you have to view this blog on a computer (not a phone) where you can see the subscribe box in the left hand column. Just put your email in there. It should work.

  4. Hello, I have not received the last two blocks and I followed the advice given to Silmara and tried to register again. However I can't because my email is "already receiving emails" Is there something else to try? My server is not blocking it and it isn't in spam. Thanks, Karen Z

  5. I am having email problems too. I am no longer getting the austen blocks. When I try to sign up again I am told I am already a subscriber. Help!

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