Sunday, March 23, 2014

The "Official" Set, a Simple Set & Yardage

Austen Family Album
36 blocks 12" square + alternate blocks
104" x 104"
Alternate Half-Square Triangles Set
Let's call this the Netherfield Set

I know that the model makers and you readers will go off on creative tangents with ideas for sets for the 36 sampler blocks. It's a project that will be growing for the rest of the year. It's organic, as Dustin says.

But I also know that some of you like to buy all your fabric ahead of time---the planners among you---so I have drawn up an "official" set in EQ7. It looks like a strip set but it's really blocks set on point. I'm naming these after fictional places in Pride & Prejudice.

Block Yardage
We'll start with the yardage for the 36 sampler blocks, each finishing to 12 inches. If you wanted to use just 5 fabrics I'd buy two yards of each. My theory is that it takes about 10 yards of fabric for a full-bed sized sampler so if you wanted to use 5 different fabrics:

10 divided by 5 = 2 yards each

3 fabrics?
10 divided by 3 = 3-1/3 yards each

10 fabrics for a scrappier look?
10 divided by 10 = 1 yard each

My formula may be too generous but don't forget I am in the fabric selling business.

1) Pieced Alternate Block Set (Netherfield)

I was inspired by Stitch & Knit's finished Grandmother's Choice sampler for 49 blocks:

Here's the plan for the Netherfield set above.
You need:
  • 36 Pieced blocks (the lightest blocks in the sketch) finishing to 12"
  • 25 Alternate half-square triangle blocks finishing to 12"
  • 4 Corner triangles (2 light and 2 dark)
  • 10 Edge triangles for the sides (5 light and 5 dark)
  • 10 Edge triangles for the top and bottom edges 

This is what those pieced triangles for the top and bottom edges look like.

EQ7 suggests 3-1/8 yards each of dark and light for the settings, but buy 3-1/2 yards each and you can use them in your scrappy blocks too.

Alternate Setting Blocks

The alternate blocks are all the same but rotated.

Cut 13 dark and 13 light squares 12-7/8". Cut each in half with a diagonal cut to make 2 triangles.

You need 25 light and 25 dark triangles.
Make 25 of these blocks.

4 Corner triangles
Cut 1 dark and 1 light square 9-3/8". Cut each in half with a diagonal cut to make 2 triangles.
You need 2 light and 2 dark triangles

Edge triangles for the sides
Cut 2 light and 2 dark squares 18-1/4". Cut each into 4 triangles with 2 cuts.
You need 5 of each of these unpieced triangles for the side edges. 

Pieced edge triangles for the top and bottom

10 Edge triangles for the top and bottom edges 
Cut 5 dark and 5 light squares 13-1/4". Cut each in half with a diagonal cut to make 2 triangles.

You need 10 of the dark and 10 of the light triangles.
Piece these together to make half square triangles (these are larger than the alternate blocks.)

Turn them on point and cut them in half with one cut.
You need ten of these pieced triangles.

You set the blocks diagonally

2) Sashing & Cornerstones Set (Meryton)

Now if this looks all too complicated you can always use a simple, sashed set.

Set with Sashing and Border
96-1/2" x 96 1/2"
We'll call this the Meryton set.

Here's the plan for the whole set above.
You need
  • 36 Pieced blocks finishing to 12" x 12"
  • 25 Cornerstone squares to set between the blocks, finishing to 2-1/2" x 2-1/2"
  • 60 Sashing Strips to frame the blocks, finishing to 2-1/2" x 12" rectangles.
  • A single border finishing to 6" wide.
EQ7 suggests:
3/8 yard for the cornerstones
1-3/4 yards for the sashing strips
Border: If you use a large chintz you will want to cut the borders as single strips and not piece them, so buy 2-3/4 yards. You may also want to use the same print as in the sashing strips.

Cut 25 cornerstone squares 3" x 3".
Cut 60 Sashing Strips as rectangles 3" x 12-1/2".


Mitered border corners: Cut 4 strips 6-1/2" x 97.
Right angle border corners:
Side Borders: Cut 2 strips 6-1/2" by 85"
Top & Bottom Borders: Cut 2 strips 6-1/2" x 97"

More on the Netherfield Set at the top of the page:

Becky drew some more ideas in EQ7: She says:
 "I played with it a little to make it symmetrical and also another version to make it a little smaller."

The Symmetrical Set (Longbourne)

This is the Netherfield set with the alternate blocks
rotated in different ways to make a balanced grid
for 36 blocks. It's cut just the same and finishes to 104" square.

Here's an antique quilt with the same set for 42 blocks.

A Set for 30 Blocks (Pemberley)

It's an idea.


  1. Aaah, options! I like Netherfield, but I'm also thinking about a medallion type arrangement. Can't wait to get started!

  2. Thanks for the différent idea.


  3. I love the Netherfield setting, can't wait to get started. I also love the fact that the quilt finishes to 104 in.². Thank you so much for always providing so much fun and knowledge through your blog. So many of us have so much fun working on the blocks with each other.

  4. I too like the Netherfield setting. I am thinking about doing a flower theme in yellow. May set it in the green and tan,

  5. Is anyone having a problem with Block 2? It is set up on a 5 grid block instead of a 6 grid block. EQ7 has an issue.

    1. I found this block went together very easily if you pieced in rows - not the corners as in the instructions.

  6. I hand-piece, so the method for the pieced top and bottom edge triangles in the Netherfield Set won't work for me. Would those unpieced triangles be the same size as those in the corner - half of a 9 3/8" square?
